Registration fees

Official Registration Partner

Congrex Switzerland Ltd
Peter Merian-Strasse 80
CH-4002 Basel

Tel: +41 61 686 77 77, Fax: +41 61 686 77 88


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Be aware of fraudulent websites, companies and individuals linking to the ERS Congress to offer registrations, hotel bookings and other services. ERS does not accept any responsibility for bookings made via unofficial websites/agencies or any money lost as a result. This website is the official and only Congress website.

The below content refers to the previous congress and is only here for reference purposes. Rates are subject to change.

Registration fees Madrid 2019

Registration fees in euros (€) exclusive of 10% VAT

All dates and fees are subject to change

Early bird

(up to 09.07.2019 23:59 CET)


(up to 27.09.2019)

 On site

(from 28.09.2019)

Full rate 625 815 895
ERS Gold Member or ERS Member through National Society


720 795

Under 40, Allied Health Professional, Scientist (PhD, non-MD)

290 375 415


(Industry registration is exclusively reserved for staff of industry participating in the ERS Exhibition or hosting a Symposium. Proof is required.)








(Patient representative registration is open to paid staff of a patient organization and volunteers linked with a respiratory patient organization. Proof of affiliation is required. Registrations will not be confirmed until proof of affiliation has been received.)








Primary care programme only

Early bird

(up to 09.07.2019 00:00 CET)


(up to 27.09.2019)

On site

(from 28.09.2019)

Non ERS member 85 115 125
ERS member + Allied Health Professional 55 75 80

All prices are in Euro (EUR) and exclusive of 10% Spanish VAT


Day passes

Early bird

(up to 09.07.2019 00:00 CET)


(up to 27.09.2019)

On site

(from 28.09.2019)

Saturday or Wednesday
Full rate 260
ERS Gold Member or ERS Member through National Society 200
Under 40, Allied Health Professional, Scientist (PhD, non-MD) 180
Sunday or Monday or Tuesday
Full rate 335
ERS Gold Member or ERS Member through National Society
Under 40, Allied Health Professional, Scientist (PhD, non-MD) 240
Tuesday - Wednesday package*1
Full rate 390
ERS Gold Member or ERS Member through National Society 310
Under 40, Allied Health Professional, Scientist - ERS MEMBER 275
 All prices are in Euro (EUR) and exclusive of 10% Spanish VAT

*1 Valid for Tuesday and Wednesday morning only.


Additional courses registration*1

Early bird

(up to 09.07.2019 00:00 CET)


(up to 27.09.2019)

On site

(from 28.09.2019)

Postgraduate courses*2 95 125 140
Full day postgraduate courses*2 155 200 220
Meet the expert 70 90 100
Skills workshops 70 90 100
Professional development workshops (standard) 25 35 40
Spirometry training programme: become a programme organiser 100 100 100
All prices are in Euro (EUR) and exclusive of 10% Spanish VAT

*1 The early bird fees will be maintained for the entire registration period for all early career members and delegates from low-income countries.

*2 Delegates attending Postgraduate courses and Skills workshops only and NOT the ERS Congress will pay a single additional €25 handling fee.