World Village
The World Village provides an opportunity and space for attendees and national societies from across the globe to network, develop partnerships, strengthen existing partnerships and share details about current and upcoming activities.
- Hall 7.2
Opening hours
- 16-18 September: 09:00-17:00
- 19 September: 09:00-12:00
World Village Activities
To find out more about activities taking place in the World Village, access the Congress programme and enter 'World Village' in the search box.
The World Village lounge is the perfect area to network and you can seek out further information about current and future developments from any of the surrounding stands.
Both ERS and the European Lung Foundation will have representatives ready to answer your queries. Additionally, the manned ERS Bookshop is on site should you be interested in or have any questions about any ERS publication.
You can also find out more about the Healthy Lungs for Life campaign and how you can get involved at the dedicated stand.
Participating Organisations
National / international societies |
Country / region | Organisation | Acronym |
Argentina |
Asociación Argentina de Medicina Respiratoria | AAMR |
Australia / New Zealand |
Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand | TSANZ |
Austria | Austrian Society of Pneumology | ÖGP/ASP |
Belgium | Belgische Vereniging voor Respiratoire Kinesitherapie/Belgian Association of Respiratory Physiotherapy | BVP-SBP |
Brazil | Associacao Brasileira de Fisioterapia Cardiorrespiratoria e Fisioterapia em Terapia Intensiva | ASSOBRAFIR |
Brazil | Brazilian Thoracic Society | SBPT |
Bulgaria | Bulgarian Respiratory Society | BRS |
Canada | Canadian Thoracic Society | CTS |
Chile | Sociedad Chilena de Enfermedades Respiratorias | SERCHILE |
China | Chinese Association of Chest Physicians | CACP |
China | Chinese Thoracic Society | CTS |
Croatia | Croatian Respiratory Society | CRS-CMA |
Czech Republic | Czech Pneumological and Pthisiologial Society | CPFS |
Egypt | Egyptian Pediatric Pulmonolgy Society EPPS | EPPS |
Egypt | Egyptian Society of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis | ESCDT |
Estonia | Estonian Respiratory Society | EKS |
France | Association Nationale pour les Traitements A Domicile, les Innovations et la Recherche | ANTADIR |
France / Francophone countries | Société de Pneumologie de Langue Française | SPLF |
Germany | German Center for Lung Research | DZL |
Germany | German Respiratory Society | DGP |
Greece | Hellenic Paediatric Respiratory Society | HPRS |
Greece | Hellenic Thoracic Society | HTS |
Hungary | Hungarian Respiratory Society | MTT |
India | Indian Chest Society | ICS |
Iran | National Research Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease | NRITLD |
Ireland | Irish Thoracic Society | ITS |
Israel | Israeli Society of Pulmonology | ISP |
Italy | Italian Association of Hospital Pulmonologists | AIPO |
Italy | Italian Respiratory Society Societa Italiana di Pneumologia | SIP |
Italy | Società Italiana per le Malattie Respiratorie Infantili | SIMRI |
Japan | Japanese Respiratory Society | JRS |
Kyrgyzstan | Kyrgyz Thoracic Society | KZS |
Latvia | Latvian Society of Lung Physicians | LSLP |
Lebanon | Lebanese Pulmonary Society | SLP |
Lithuania | Lithuanian Society of Pulmonology and Allergy | LSPA |
Macedonia | Macedonian Respiratory Society | MRS |
Peru | Sociedad Peruana de Neumología | SPeN |
Philippines | Philippine College of Chest Physicians | PCCP |
Poland | Polish Respiratory Society | PTChP |
Portugal | Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia | SPP |
Romania | Romanian Society of Pneumology | SRP |
Russia | Russian Respiratory Society | RRS |
Serbia | Respiratory Society of Serbia | RSS |
Serbia | Serbian Respiratory Society | SRS |
South Africa | South African Thoracic Society | SATS |
South Korea | Korean Academy of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases | KATRD |
Spain | Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica | SEPAR |
Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka College of Pulmonologists | SLCP |
Sweden | Swedish Respiratory Society | SLMF |
Switzerland | Swiss Society of Pneumology | SGP |
Taiwan | Taiwan Society of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine | TSPCCM |
Tunisia | Tunisian Society of respiratory Diseases and Allergology | STMRA |
Turkey | Turkish Respiratory Society | TRS |
Turkey | Turkish Thoracic Society | TTS |
United Kingdom | Association for Respiratory Technology and Physiology | ARTP |
United Kingdom | British Thoracic Society | BTS |
Regional societies / projects |
Africa | Pan African Thoracic Society | PATS |
Asia | Asian Pacific Society of Respirology | APSR |
Europe | European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology | EAACI |
Europe | European Society of Swallowing Disorders | ESSD |
Europe | European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention | ENSP |
South America | Asociación Latino Americana de Tórax | ALAT |
USA | American Thoracic Society | ATS |
USA | American College of Chest Physicians | CHEST |
Worldwide | Forum of International Respiratory Societies | FIRS |
Worldwide | International Society for Aerosols in Medicine | ISAM |
Patient organisations |
Austria | Österreichische Lungenunion | ÖLU |
Belgium | COPD VZW | -- |
Belgium | ApneuVereniging Vlaanderen | -- |
Belgium | Pulmonary Hypertension Belgium | PH Belgium |
Czech Republic | Czech Civic Association against Lung Diseases | COPN |
France | La Fédération Française des Associations et Amicales de Malades Insuffisants ou Handicapés Respiratoires | FFAIR |
France | Association Pierre Enjalran Fibrose Pulmonaire Idiopathique | APEFPI |
Germany | Deutsche Sarkoidose-Vereinigung e.V. | DSV |
Germany | Morbus Osler Selbsthilfe e.V. | -- |
Ireland | Asthma Society of Ireland | -- |
Ireland | Sleep Disorder Support Foundation/Irish Sleep Apnoea Trust | SDSF |
Italy | Amici contro la Sarcoidosi Italia ONLUS | ACSI |
Italy | Unione Trapiantati Polmone Padova | -- |
Italy | Associazione Apnoici Italiani onlus | -- |
Italy | Associazione Respiriamo Insieme Onlus | -- |
Italy | Associazione Respirando | -- |
Italy | Federasma e Allergie ONLUS | -- |
Italy | Un Respiro di Speranza | -- |
Netherlands | | -- |
Netherlands | Longfonds | -- |
Poland | Association For The Fight Against Lung Cancer in Poland | -- |
Portugal | Associação de Transplantados Pulmonares de Portugal | ATPP |
Portugal | Respira – Portuguese association of people with COPD and other chronic respiratory diseases | -- |
Romania | Romanian TB Patients Organisation | ARB-TB |
Spain | Lovexair Foundation | Lovexair |
Spain | Asociación Nacional de Enfermos de Sarcoidosis | ANES |
Sweden | Astma och Allergi Förbundet | -- |
Turkey | Pembe Hanım | -- |
United Kingdom | British Lung Foundation | -- |
United Kingdom | Asthma UK | -- |
United Kingdom | Sarcoidosis UK | -- |
United Kingdom | June Hancock Mesothelioma Research Fund | -- |
Ukraine | Lviv City Charitable Foundation of "Sister Dalila" | -- |
Ukraine | Pulmonary Hypertension - Ukrainian Rare Disease Association | PHURDA |
Europe | European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patient Associations | EFA |
Europe | FreshAir | -- |
Europe | Lung Cancer Europe | LuCE |
Europe | European Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and Related Disorders Federation | EU-IPFF |
Europe | Cystic Fibrosis Europe | CF Europe |
Europe | European Pulmonary Hypertension Association | PHA Europe |
Worldwide | Global Allergy Asthma Patient Platform | GAAPP |