ERS Early Career Member Award 2019

This award is new for 2019 and is intended to honour a promising member of the European Respiratory Society.

Professor Lies Lahousse

Lies Lahousse ERS Early Career MemberLies Lahousse is assistant Professor at Ghent University where she leads pharmaco-epidemiological research at the Department of Bioanalysis.

She is moreover visiting researcher at Erasmus MC Rotterdam where she performed her PhD on COPD comorbidities and exacerbations. By studying the heterogeneity among phenotypes, endotypes and underlying genetics, she aims to optimise the benefit risk ratio of approved drugs with the ultimate goal of improving and personalising care of patients with chronic complex diseases such as asthma or COPD in real life. This includes particular attention to therapy adherence, multimorbidity and prevention by treating causes instead of symptoms. She combines her pharmaceutical and epidemiological background with a broad expertise in observational studies and in translating clinical problems into statistical syntaxes.

Prof. Lahousse has authored more than 70 scientific publications and her work has been rewarded with several prizes in respiratory epidemiology. She is a member of the Young Academy and Primary Care Academy in Flanders, the Belgian Society for Pneumology and the ERS-CRC on Chronic Airway Diseases Early Stratification (CADSET).

She thanks important steps in her early career to the continued and successful support of the respiratory society to young researchers in this multidisciplinary respiratory field.

The ceremony for the ERS Early Career Member Award and the Mina Gaga Lecture will take place during the session 'Effective communication of scientific findings: Early Career Member's Session 2019', taking place on Tuesday 1 October, 2019 from 14.45 in Room 6E