Allied respiratory professionals
Complete care is by definition multidisciplinary – a fact which has been highlighted more and more in recent decades and is increasingly evident in the management of respiratory disease. Allied Respiratory Professionals (ARPs) are involved at all stages of respiratory care: prevention, diagnosis, evaluation, treatment and management of acute and chronic respiratory diseases.
ERS has an Assembly dedicated to ARPs with specific sub-groups for respiratory function technologists/scientists, physiotherapists and nurses. Like the ERS structure, the ERS congress programme reflects the centrality of these roles and facilitates the opportunity for ARPs and other respiratory health professionals to learn from each other's disciplines for better patient outcomes.
At this year's Congress, we are pleased to offer a range of sessions and educational activities to address the needs, current issues and future developments in respiratory care from a multidisciplinary perspective.
Irene Steenbruggen, Chair of the ERS Assembly for Allied Respiratory Professionals highlights: "The ERS Congress in Milan is packed full of opportunities to network with your colleagues. Focused on the ultimate goal of improving outcomes for patients, ERS recognises that all healthcare workers require lifelong learning. As a consequence, ERS provides an amazing mixture of educational and scientific activities to ensure you will achieve this goal. I hope you enjoy charming Milan - an opportunity you won't want to miss! I also invite you to follow Assembly 9 on Twitter so that you can keep up-to-date with our news around the Congress, along with ideas and links to interesting articles."
Join the ERS Allied Respiratory Professionals group on myERS and ensure that you are kept up to date with developments and opportunities in this area.
If you are interested in this topic, here is a list of associated sessions at this year's Congress. Alternatively, you can browse the Primary care programme or take a look at the full programme to see all sessions on offer, including abstract sessions.
Note: Educational sessions (postgraduate courses, skills workshops, challenging clinical cases, professional development workshops and meet the expert sessions) can be attended at an additional cost to the standard registration fee.