ERS Task Forces and Guidelines

ERS Task Forces are made up of experts in a specific field of respiratory medicine. Together they address issues related to that topic in detail in order produce a range of official ERS documents, including clinical practice guidelines, statements, technical standards or position papers.

This year's Congress offers an opportunity for respiratory professionals to attend a number of sessions which highlight Task Force developments and updates – including those relating to new official guidelines which impact future approaches in prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

If you are interested in learning more about the latest updates from our Task Forces, join us at the one or more of the activities listed below.

Are you interested in submitting an ERS Task Force proposal?

All ERS members are eligible to apply for funding to set up a Task Force aiming to develop clinical practice guidelines, statements or technical standard assessments. We offer a number of opportunities throughout the year to apply for funding. Check our Task Forces webpage for more information about upcoming deadlines.

Note: Educational sessions (postgraduate courses, skills workshops, challenging clinical cases, professional development workshops and meet the expert sessions) can be attended at an additional cost to the standard registration fee.

Date Time Session Session type
09.09.2017 14:00-17:30 Targeting the locomotor and respiratory muscles in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: novel interventional tools and rehabilitation strategies Postgraduate course
09.09.2017 14:00-17:30 Smoking cessation in patients with respiratory diseases Postgraduate course
10.09.2017 08:30-10:30 Update in paediatric pulmonology Year in review
10.09.2017 14:45-16:45 ERS/ATS Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) in acute respiratory failure Session
10.09.2017 14:45-16:45 Bronchiectasis: from guidelines to real life Session
10.09.2017 14:45-16:45 ERS statements and technical standards on diagnosis and monitoring Session 
11.09.2017 08:30-10:30 International guidelines for the management of hospital acquired pneumonia Session
11.09.2017 09:00-10:30 Patient involvement in medical projects Postgraduate course
11.09.2017 10:45-12:45 ERS Publications: 2017 ERS Guidelines and Task Forces Session
11.09.2017 10:45-12:45 Non-CF bronchiectasis in children Symposium
11.09.2017 14:45-16:45 Joint ERS/ESSD session: when respiratory diseases meet swallowing disorders Session 
13.09.2017 08:30-10:30 ERS/ATS guidelines on treatment and prevention of COPD exacerbation Session 
13.09.2017 08:30-10:30 Personalised care for emphysema in COPD Symposium 
13.09.2017 08:30-10:30 Chemical and biological indoor and outdoor pollution Hot topics