Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsoring ERS features and services is a great way to partner.
To raise corporate visibility at the ERS International Congress. Priority on sponsorship of the items listed below will be granted to the sponsor that supported the same item during the previous Congress.
ERS Congress App
The ERS Congress App is a significant feature of the Congress and is no longer just an electronic version of the Congress Guide - it is a Congress console which has proven to be an essential part of the delegate experience.
The ERS Congress App allows delegates to:
- Navigate the programme and plan their time during Congress
- View sessions they have missed
- Watch the Live@ERS broadcast
- See which sessions are most popular
- Contact other delegates, send messages and exchange business cards
- View posters and search abstracts
- Access floor plans and exhibition plans
- Request follow up on Industry sessions
- Access preparatory content for sessions and courses
Over 80 % of Congress delegates use the App with their smartphone, tablet or website version on their computer. In London delegates viewed sessions from the programme over 500,000 times. There are many ways to achieve visibility for your participation in our Congress by investing in the sponsorship of the Congress App.
There are a number of sponsorship opportunities available to help raise your visibility at Congress including advertising on the carousel for the mainsponsor and targeted packages.
- ERS APP E-INSERTS (only for Industry Symposia promotion)
DETAILS & PRICE: on request
Abstracts on USB keys
The ERS will produce up to 10,000 copies of the Congress abstracts on USB keys. The USB keys will be distributed from the stand of the company sponsoring this service.
The sponsor's logo will appear prominently on the USB key. Branded advertising is also permitted on the opening page of the abstract file. A voucher bearing the company's logo will be placed in every programme at a glance for pick-up of the USB key from the sponsor's stand.Two hostesses, supplied by ERS, will distribute the USB keys from the sponsor's stand. The ponsorship will be acknowledged in the online Advance Programme, and the company logo will appear next to the information concerning this service.
PRICE & DETAILS: On request
ERS Central
ERS Central is a serviced lounge and meeting area that will be located in the centre of the ERS World Village next to the ERSand ELF booths and the official ERS bookshop. This area includes seating and will provide delegates with the opportunity to network, meet up, or simply recuperate with refreshments. The area will also house an information desk where delegates will be able to charge their electronic devices.
The sponsor will have the opportunity to benefit from branding visibility via standing totems and above signage. The sponsor will be acknowledged in the online Advance Programme. The sponsor will be acknowledged on several standing banners and every time ERS Central is mentioned throughout the Congress centre.
PRICE: On request
Congress Resources
This year, the Congress App, abstracts and e-posters will be accessible in the Congress Resources Areas; there will be 8 designated areas located throughout the Congress centre and available to all delegates.
The Congress Resources Areas will also provide delegates with the means to charge their Apple and Android devices for free.
The sponsor will be acknowledged on 16 standing banners, 2 per area. The sponsor will be acknowledged by branding onall 8 structures. The sponsor will be acknowledged in the online Advance Programme as well as on ERS printed publications and the ERS website
PRICE: On request
Programme at a Glance
The programme at a glance is a quick reference tool that is inserted in the delegate badge holder. Over 20,000 copies are printed for distribution to delegates.
Use of the two first pages of the programme at a glance for placement of an advertisement.The programme at a glance will be distributed to all delegates attending the Congress.
PRICE: On request
Specific regulations for sponsored items and services
The design must receive prior approval from ERS. The artwork should not imply any endorsement from ERS for the session advertised.
ERS Contact
For further information on Sponsorship Opportunities, please contact Nicolas Luginbühl:
email: nicolas.luginbuhl@ersnet.org
Phone: + 41 21 213 01 65