Virtual Congress

Over the past few years, ERS membership has grown from 10,000 to nearly 35,000. We have entered into collegial agreements with 62 national societies and can boast members in 159 countries.
Our Congress caters for over 22,000 delegates but increasingly, we are striving to make the latest educational materials from the Congress available to this large global audience of health care professionals, which we estimate at nearly 100,000 HCPs worldwide. To reach those who could not make it to the Congress, we have put in place several new digital services:
- Live@ERS / ERS Congress Replay
- Congress Hubs
Live@ERS is a continuous broadcast that is free for health care professionals to access and catch up with ERS Congress at any time during the event. Featuring selected livestreams from key sessions, interviews with key opinion leaders, feedback from speakers after their presentations and comments from Congress delegates using our roving camera, Live@ERS gives a snapshot of the world's largest respiratory meeting hosted on its own dedicated portal.
- On Live@ERS portal
- On ERS Congress App (under the Special Features tab)
- On screens at "ERS Central" onsite
For virtual delegates that are looking for more than a snapshot of the Congress, the ERS Congress Replay service gives healthcare professionals full access to recorded presentations from the major lecture halls of the Congress.
Live@ERS / ERS Congress Replay platform allows users to watch any session from the Congress. This service is also accessible via the ERS Congress App.
It is available for a duration of 3 months following the last day of the Congress.
- Congress delegates can use their Congress badge number to access the Replay.
- Virtual delegates can access the service directly by buying a voucher online or using a voucher sponsored by the Industry or Medical Societies.
Individual access vouchers: EUR 150
For orders of more than 200 vouchers: EUR 100 each
Companies purchasing vouchers to distribute to remote participants can have their name and logo included on the voucher, with the phrase: "Access to ERS Congress Replay is financially supported by: [company name + logo]"
Vouchers may be distributed directly by sponsors or via a third party such as a national medical society or even by the ERS on their behalf.
The ERS Congress Replay service does not automatically include industry sessions featured in the Congress programme.
If you wish to have your industry session included in the ERS Congress Replay schedule, the following package deals are available:
Please note that the filming of the presentations is a standard broadcast format: slides, speaker (talking head) and sound.
- Filming of the session by ERS as mentioned above
- Livestreaming of the session on Live@ERS platform
- Webcast stored for 3 months on Live@ERS platform and ERS Congress App
- Webcast stored on ERS e-Learning Resources alongside ERS material for unlimited period
- A pack of 200 vouchers, with your logo, for access to the ERS Congress Replay service
- Filming of the session by ERS as mentioned above
- Livestreaming of the session on Live@ERS platform
- Webcast stored for 3 months on Live@ERS platform and ERS Congress App
- Webcast stored on ERS e-Learning Resources alongside ERS material for unlimited period
Benefits for sponsor: Visibility of the company logo on Live@ERS portal.
PRICE: EUR 15,000 Euros per company, with a maximum of 4 companies
To support national societies with collegial agreements with ERS and to reach HCPs who would not normally have the opportunity to attend the ERS Congress or who no longer have access to funding, ERS is creating a network of live Congress Hubs around the world.
The hubs are a one day event featuring live footage from ERS, in the local language, and feature key thought leaders from the region. The events are hosted by the National Society where the Hub is taking place. The National Societies will also contribute to the scientific content of the one day programme.
For the ERS Congress 2019 edition, Congress Hubs will simultaneously be taking place in 2 cities in China with a target audience of 150 – 200 delegates in each Hub:
- Shanghai
- Guangzhou
The Chinese Thoracic Society (CTS) will be responsible for inviting participants to the events. Each participant will also be provided with a voucher giving access to the ERS Congress Replay service so that they follow the Congress live, or at their own convenience after the event.
- Saturday, 28 September 2019
- 8:30 – 12:45 (Central European Summer Time)
PRICE: Price on demand. Each Hub will be supported by more than one company.
- Your logo on the ERS Congress Replay voucher given to the participants (up to 200 per venue)
- Welcome desk at each venue
- The right to have materials distributed to the 150-200 guests invited to each venue
- Clear visibility on invitations sent to recipients by the leadership of ERS and the local national society
For further information, please contact Alexandre Delage:
Phone: + 41 21 213 01 23